Powers Principal Leela Baggett will present at the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists’ (“AAOP’s”) Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 5:35 p.m.  Leela’s session, Advancing HCPCS Coding for Upper Limb Prostheses: A Year of Advocacy and Progress, will provide insights into the HCPCS coding process and recent efforts of the Upper Limb Prosthetics Society to reform the code set to better enable access to upper limb prosthetic care.  Leela will highlight how the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services—through its HCPCS Workgroup—evaluates HCPCS coding applications and assigns reimbursement rates to new devices.  She will highlight certain pitfalls manufacturers should avoid when seeking a new code and provide practical tips on how to advocate for optimal coding of and reimbursement for innovative technologies.

Leela regularly assists manufacturers of durable medical equipment, prosthetic devices, prosthetics, orthotics, & supplies (DMEPOS) navigate the HCPCS coding process to improve access to patient care.  Representing the Orthotic and Prosthetic Alliance, Leela advocated for the creation of a comprehensive list of new codes to reflect contemporary partial hand and finger prostheses.  The Orthotic and Prosthetic Alliance is comprised of five national organizations, including AAOP.  AAOP’s Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium is a four-day experience, bringing the orthotic and prosthetic profession together from all parts of the world to learn from subject matter experts and one another.

Leela Baggett is a Principal in the Powers Healthcare and Government Relations Practice.  Leela can be reached at Leela.Baggett@powerslaw.com.


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