Powers attorneys Becky Burke and Megan La Suer presented last week at the Center for Telehealth and e-Health Law (CTeL) Digital Health Summit last week.

The presentation, entitled “Top 10 RPM Questions You Are Afraid to Ask”, answered questions that commonly arise related to RPM coding and compliance. Becky and Megan offered insights on how clients have dealt with certain RPM billing issues as well as thoughts on what the future holds for RPM services.

Learn more about the Summit here.

Becky Burke is Counsel in the Powers healthcare practice.  Her practice encompasses a broad range of regulatory, fraud and abuse, and reimbursement issues that affect physicians, hospitals, transplant centers, diagnostic testing facilities, and various other healthcare providers. She also advises clients on issues related to telemedicine and remote patient monitoring. She regularly helps clients advocate with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and other federal agencies on such matters as Medicare and Medicaid payment, coverage and coding. She can be reached at Rebecca.Burke@PowersLaw.com.

Megan La Suer is an Associate in the Powers healthcare practice. Megan’s range of legal and legislative advocacy experience includes providing counsel on compliance issues related to the 340B Drug Pricing Program and Ryan White program, state Medicaid policy and licensure requirements, HIPAA privacy and security rules and the GDPR, and Medicare enrollment and reimbursement matters. Throughout the COVID-19 public health emergency, Megan has provided counsel on new or temporary laws, regulations, or guidance related to Medicare telehealth and remote patient monitoring policies. She can be reached at Megan.LaSuer@PowersLaw.com.

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